
Friday, April 9, 2021

Bio of General der Artillerie Theodor Endres

General der Artillerie Theodor Endres
Born: 25 Sep 1876 in Ansbach
Died: 19 Jan 1956 in Traunstein

Fähnrich (25 Jan 1898); Leutnant (10 Mar 1899); Oberleutnant (26 Apr 1909); Hauptmann (01 Oct 1913); Major (05 Sep 1917); Oberstleutnant (05 Feb 1923); Oberst (01 Feb 1927); Generalmajor (01 Feb 1930); Charakter als Generalleutnant (30 Sep 1931); Generalleutnant z.V. (01 Sep 1940); General der Artillerie z.V. (01 Jan 1943)

Entered Army Service (15 Jul 1897)
Fahnenjunker in the 1st Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (15 Jul 1897-05 May 1903)
Detached to War School in Munich (01 Mar 1898-23 Jan 1899)
Detached to Artillery and Engineer School (01 Oct 1900-12 Apr 1902)
Battalion-Adjutant in the 1st Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (05 May 1903-10 Sep 1906)
Detached to War Academy, Munich (01 Oct 1907-30 Sep 1910)
Detached to the Central-Office of the Bavarian General Staff (01 Oct 1912-19 Mar 1914)
Battery-Chief in the 2nd Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (19 Mar 1914-23 Oct 1914)
Staff-Officer with Special Duties with the Staff of the 2nd Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Brigade (23 Oct 1914-08 Jan 1915)
Battery-Chief in the 1st Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (08 Jan 1915-11 Jan 1916)
Staff-Officer with the Staff of the Bavarian General of Foot-Artillery 2 (11 Jan 1916-23 Jul 1916)
Intelligence-Officer (Ic) in the General-Staff of the 6th Army (23 Jul 1916-27 May 1917)
Instructor at the Leader Course in Sedan (27 May 1917-07 Apr 1918)
Detached for Service in the Army-Department of the Bavarian War Ministry (07 Apr 1918-30 Apr 1918)
Chief Of Operations (Ia) in the Staff of the 9th Bavarian Reserve-Division (30 Apr 1918-26 Jun 1918)
Chief Of Operations (Ia) in the Staff of the 5th Bavarian Infantry-Division (26 Jun 1918-14 Dec 1918)
Granted Leave and Placed to the Disposal of the Bavarian Ministry for Military Affairs (14 Dec 1918-15 Jan 1919)
Assigned to the 1st Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (15 Jan 1919-20 Jan 1919)
Major with the Staff of the 2nd Bavarian Foot-Artillery-Regiment (20 Jan 1919-20 Feb 1919)
Chief Of Operations (Ia) in the Staff of the 5th Bavarian Infantry-Division (20 Feb 1919-31 Mar 1919)
Commander of the Volkswehr-Troops of General-Command Nürnberg (31 Mar 1919-21 May 1919)
Chief Of Operations (Ia) in the Staff of the 24th Reichswehr-Brigade (21 May 1919-01 Oct 1920)
Staff-Officer with the Staff of Artillery-Leader VII (01 Oct 1920-01 Oct 1922)
Chief Of Operations (Ia) in the Staff of the 7th Division (01 Oct 1922-01 Oct 1923)
Instructor with the Subsidiary-Leadership-Courses with the 7th Division (01 Oct 1923-01 Oct 1924)
Commander of the II. Battalion of the 2nd Artillery-Regiment (01 Oct 1924-01 Oct 1927)
Chief Of Staff of the Army-Weapons-Office, RWM (01 Oct 1927-01 Nov 1930)
Artillery-Leader III (01 Nov 1930-30 Sep 1931)
Retired (30 Sep 1931)
Entrusted with various tasks in the Intelligence-Office with Admiral Canaris (1937-1939)
Placed to Disposal (Army) (26 Aug 1939)
Commander of the 212th Infantry-Division (26 Aug 1939-01 Oct 1942)
Führer-Reserve OKH (01 Oct 1942-31 Jan 1943)
Retired (30 Apr 1943)

Awards & Decorations:
- Ritterkreuz (107): am 13.07.1940 als char. Generalleutnant z.V. und Kommandeur der 212. Infanterie-Division
- RK des Kgl. Preuss. Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
- 1914 EK I K
- 1914 EK II K
- Kgl. Bayer. Prinz-Regent-Luitpold Jubiläums-Medaille
- Kgl. Bayer. Militär-Verdienstorden III. Klasse mit Schwertern
- Ritterkreuz des Orden der Württembergischen Krone mit Schwertern
- Hamburgisches Hanseatenkreuz
- Reussisches Ehrenkreuz II. Klasse mit Schwertern
- Lübeckisches Hanseatenkreuz
- K.u.K. Österr. Militär-Verdienstkreuz III. Klasse mit der Kriegsdekoration
- Türkischer Eiserner Halbmond
- Kgl. Bayer. Dienstauszeichnungskreuz II. Klasse
- Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer
- Spange zum EK I : 22.06.1940
- Spange zum EK II : 22.09.1939
- Medaille “Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942“


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