
Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Ritterkreuz Action of Theodor Endres


Theodor Endres (25 September 1876 – 18 January 1956) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 13 July 1940 as Generalleutnant z.V. and Kommandeur 212. Infanterie-Division. The following wartime excerpt describes why Endres would be awarded the Ritterkreuz: “Forced march from the area west of Verdun to the Mosel river and occupation of Ponte a Mousson. Vorausabteilungen were pushed towards the west and south over the Mosel thanks to the personal actions of the divisional commander, Generalleutnant Endres. Bridge built over the Aingeray. Division thrown into the enemy occupied area before Toulouse and Nancy. Further march towards the south, crossing over the Meurthe and Flavigny as well as a seizure of the bridges near Ceintrey. Division pivoted westwards against the line Vezelise—Crepey, and the ring was closed around the strong enemy forces that had gathered in the Toulouse area. Over 50000 prisoners, including hundreds of officers and 30 generals. Massive quantities of equipment also captured.”

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