
Sunday, February 21, 2021

Wilhelm Walther in Color


Ritterkreuzträger (Knight's Cross recipient) Wilhelm Walther of the Brandenburger. He received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 24 June 1940 as Oberleutnant and Stosstruppführer 4.Kompanie / Baulehrbataillon z.b.V. 800. Walther was awarded his Ritterkreuz for capturing a strategic bridge at Gennep during the assault on the Netherlands. Leading an 8-man team disguised as Dutch military police escorting German prisoners, they made their assault seizing the bridge and disabling the detonators.

Unpublished eyewitness interviews and photos of members of the "Brandenburg Division" (Source Agentur Meier zu Hartum). A special unit of the Wehrmacht whose tasks included attacks far behind enemy lines, sabotage and cooperation with opposition groups abroad, is still known today under the name “Brandenburger”. The commander of the 1st regiment of the Brandenburg Division reports in a detailed interview about his war experiences in Holland, France, in the Balkans, in Russia and as a prisoner of war. About 160 private photos (b/w and color) come exclusively from the hand of the first Ritterkreuzträger of the "Brandenburger". The statements of the Ritterkreuzträger are supplemented by his Ordonanzoffizier Heinz D. Heinz D. has written down his personal memories of the war in detail on 120 pages. A very interesting bundle on the history of the German commando force of the 2nd World War that is waiting to be processed or published. We are happy to help colleagues from production companies, as well as book authors and "special-interest" magazines with handpicked photo and film material. More information can be found HERE.

Source :[0]=AZXcZGt2RqqpjxzvRzDznAUsmpaO4hLbZAPXvoQzQVPGm9ofqGLQmdmdKDEnh-BZNtab7aGep7cfgmrrzALbJ9z72rWVrp2-ejRQfLpWdypAfTtyLR-X8su1uVvJQ5qeSe2WpwXJHc47bBJXgSYa2Cuc&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

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