
Monday, February 15, 2021

Ritterkreuz Action of Ernst Bolbrinker


Dipl.Ing. Ernst Bolbrinker (23 October 1898 – 2 July 1962) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 15 May 1941 as Major and Kommandeur I.Abteilung / Panzer-Regiment 5 / 5.leichte Division. Bolbrinker’s Ritterkreuz recommendation reads as follows: “Early on 7 April 1941 Major Bolbrinker received the order to prepare for an attack against the desert fort of el Mechili (a place both heavily fortified and occupied by significant English-Indian forces) with the remnants of his Panzer-Abteilung, which only had 7 Panzers left altogether. When the English made an attempt to sally from the fort on the morning of this day with strong forces, Major Bolbrinker attacked the fort on his own initiative while leading at the head of his remaining 7 Panzers. He managed to take it despite the absence of support from other friendly forces and strong enemy resistance. The enemy were very badly shaken by the capture of this fort, the main strongpoint of their defensive system, and thus their resistance soon collapsed completely. Major Bolbrinker’s self-stemming initiative and utterly daring attack with just 7 Panzers against a strongly fortified defensive complex produced a swift and surprising capture of the fort, and this spared the Division many needless casualties. His capture of el Mechili (the keystone of the English defense in eastern Cyrenaica) also enabled the continued advance of the bulk of the Division in the direction of Tobruk. This attack ultimately resulted in the capture of the 2nd English Armoured Division’s staff (including 2 generals and 2 colonels holding a general’s rank), about 3000 prisoners and large quantities of all manner of war materiel, including almost 30 anti-tank guns. Major Bolbrinker has also especially distinguished himself at the head of his Abteilung in other engagements, in particular during the tank battle near Agedabia (31 March 1941) as well as the penetration into the Tobruk fortifications (13-14 April 1941).”

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