
Sunday, February 21, 2021

Hans Mader and Hans Thurner

This picture was taken in the late spring of 1944, and shows from left to right: Hauptmann Hans Mader (Gruppenkommandeur II.Gruppe / Kampfgeschwader 6) and Hauptmann Hans Thurner (Gruppenkommandeur I.Gruppe / Kampfgeschwader 6). Hans Mader (17 April 1915 - 3 July 1944) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 3 September 1942 as Oberleutnant and Staffelkapitän 4.Staffel / II.Gruppe / Kampfgeschwader 54 "Totenkopf" (awarded in recognition of his 180+ bomber sorties flown); Johann "Hans" Thurner (24 October 1918 - 11 June 1944) received the Ritterkreuz on 6 August 1941 as Leutnant in III.Gruppe / Kampfgeschwader 55 (awarded in recognition of his 132 sorties over England in the timespan of 5 July 1940 - 31 May 1941 against a variety of targets). Thurner also received the Eichenlaub #587 for his Ritterkreuz posthumously on 17 September 1944 as Hauptmann and Gruppenkommandeur I.Gruppe / Kampfgeschwader 6 (awarded for his many successful sorties in the East, on the Italian front, over England in the first five months of 1944 and lastly on the Invasion front.).

Source :
ECPAD Archives

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