
Sunday, February 7, 2021

General der Infanterie Ferdinand Neuling Surrender

Captured German general smokes a cigarette. Official caption on front: "7/MM-44-25007." Official caption on reverse: "Sig Corps photo 20 Aug 44 (25007) France. German general surrenders. Cigarette-smoking Lt. Gen. (his rank is actually General der Infanterie) Ferdinand Neuling (Kommandierender General LXII. Armeekorps), 60 year old commander of the German 62nd Corps in Southern France, wears an expression of resignation after his capture by driving American forces from the new French beachhead. Sig Corps radio telephoto from Italy #." France. 20 August 1944. The picture was taken from the service of Brigadier General Terence John Tully, a West Point graduate, Signal Officer during the African landings, Chief Signal Officer, Allied Force Headquarters Africa/Italy for all Mediterranean operations. Tully served with the Signal Corps in Italy and North Africa documenting the 5th Army specifically. Later he was Commander of Camp Crowder, Missouri.

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