
Saturday, February 13, 2021

Bio of Panzer Ace Hans Sandrock


Date of birth:
April 20th, 1913 (Saarbrücken/Rhineprovince, Germany)
Date of death:
Sandrock died in 1995 at the age of 82.
September 23rd, 1995 (Cologne/Northrhine-Westphalia, Germany)

The son of an official in the German Air Ministry, Hans Sandrock attended grammar school and subsequently a Gymnasium in Berlin-Steglitz. After leaving school, he trained for one year as an apprentice with a crane and elevator factory in Berlin, followed by four terms of study at the Berlin Institute of Technology as a Mechanical Engineer. During that time he became a member of the German Studentenverbindung Corps Pomerania-Silesia, which today is located in Bayreuth, Bavaria.

On 1 September 1934, Sandrock enlisted as a volunteer in the army's driving instructors command (German language: Kraftfahrlehrkommando) in Zossen, near Berlin, being promoted to Gefreiter in April 1935. He was put forward as an Officer Aspirant. After attending the Hanover War School in 1936, he was posted to Panzer Regiment 5 and commissioned as a Lieutenant. As a platoon commander with the 2nd Company, Panzer Regiment 5, Sandrock took part in the occupation of Sudetenland.

On 1 September 1939, Sandrock was promoted to Oberleutnant and served with the 1 Company, Panzer Regiment 5, during the Polish campaign. In this period, Panzer Regiment 5 formed part of the 3rd Panzer Division with Guderian's XIX Corps, attacking through Northern Poland. Sandrock received the Iron Cross Second Class on 22 October 1939.

During the Battle of France, Panzer Regiment 5 distinguished itself as part of Hoepner's XVI Panzer Corps, attacking through Belgium and participating in the pursuit during the Evacuation of Dunkirk. Sandrock was awarded the Panzer Assault Badge on 6 June 1940. In late 1940, Panzer Regiment 5 was removed from the 3rd Panzer Division and became part of the 5th Light Division.

On 10 March 1941, Panzer Regiment 5 was sent to North Africa as part of the Afrika Korps. It fought in the push into Egypt and the efforts to capture Tobruk. In the summer of 1941, it was reformed within the 21st Panzer Division. In 1942, Panzer Regiment 5 took part in the capture of Benghazi, fought in the Battle of Gazala, saw action in the Fall of Tobruk and the push to El Alamein. During his service in North Africa, Sandrock was awarded the Iron Cross First Class in April 1941, the Italian Bravery Medal in February 1942 and the German Cross in Gold on 1 June 1942. He was promoted to the rank of Hauptmann (Captain) on 1 April 1942. Later that year, the 21st Panzer Division experienced heavy losses in fighting around El Alamein in November. Sandrock was severely wounded and was returned to Germany for hospital treatment and recuperation.

He is regarded as the Best Panzer Ace never to have served in a Tiger or Panther, and is ranked #5 in all-time kills with 123 armoured vehicles destroyed....

Later that year, the 21st Panzer Division experienced heavy losses in fighting around El Alamein in November. Sandrock was severely wounded and was returned to Germany for hospital treatment and recuperation.

On 25 July 1943, Sandrock, fully recovered, was posted to another elite unit, Fallschirm-Panzerregiment Hermann Göring, and served with the III Sturmgeschütz Detachment during the withdrawal through Sicily and the evacuation to the Italian mainland over the Strait of Messina. The Hermann Göring Panzer Regiment fought in all the major battles in Italy. In May 1944, it was sent to Livorno in the north of Italy and temporarily held in reserve.

Sandrock was awarded the Panzer Assault Badge for 25 engagements on December 1943 and the following grade for 50 engagements in June 1944. Around this time his Division was successful in its participation in the destruction of the Soviet III Tank Corps near Warsaw.

On 18 October 1944, Sandrock was promoted to Major. During the retreat from East Prussia, Sandrock's personal score of enemy tanks and armoured vehicles destroyed reached 123. For this achievement, he was decorated with the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on 21 October 1944. His decoration and with it the Luftwaffe Honor plate, were presented by General der Artillerie Weidling, commander of XXXXI Panzer Korps. Wounded in action during April 1945, Sandrock was hospitalised and on his recovery joined the his regiment's reserve detachment in Oranienburg. Although the bulk of the Hermann Göring units were cut off and captured by Soviet forces, Sandrock made his way west, surrendering to United States forces. On 18 May 1945, he escaped from captivity and succeeded in reaching his family home near Bonn.

April 1935: Gefreiter;
1936: Leutnant;
September 1st, 1939: Oberleutnant;
April 1st, 1942: Hauptmann;
October 18th, 1944: Major.

September 1st, 1934: Kraftfahrlehrkommando Zossen;
1936: Panzer-Regiment 5;
?: Zugführer 2. / Panzer-Regiment 5;
?: 1. / Panzer-Regiment 5;
July 25th, 1943: III. / Fallschirm-Panzer-Regiment Hermann Göring.

1.Kurt Knispel –168 Kills (sPzAbt. 503-- Tiger I
2.Otto Carius – 150+ Kills (sPzAbt. 502)–Tiger I--Knight's Cross 5/4/44, Oak Leaves 7/27/44.
3.Johannes (Hans) Bolter-- 139 Kills (possibly 144) (sPzAbt. 502) Tigers– Knight's Cross 4/16/44, Oak Leaves 9/10/44.
4.Michael Wittman – 138 Kills (sS.S.PzAbt. 101 Liebstandarte)–Tiger I–Knight's Cross 1/14/44, Oak Leaves 1/14/44 with Swords, 6/25/44.
5.Hans Sandrock – 123 Kills (assorted AFV last unit HJ )
6.Paul Egger – 113 Kills (s SS Pz. Abt. 102)–Tigers– Knight's cross 4/28/45
7.Fritz Lang– 113 Kills (StuG. Abt. 232)
8.Arno Giesen – 111 Kills (Das Reich)
9.Oberfahnrich Rondorf—106 kills (sPzAbt. 503)–Tigers
10.Feldwebel Gaetner ( Gartner?)– 103 Kills (sPzAbt. 503)–Tigers

Source ;[0]=AZX7IJhddlpRhDAuo8y_GuFMz5FoCRFNNjjL8SmkFGQOIRp35ZV2ePsGDs6HyEEPeHXY0ilByjGrjq94q4ZmML-vNU2xg9iUzQxqoTQdElZMn0GMEs-u7g0l8ePMIK3E4s2w7vx_0fns2meiEQlOHMSJusbiXb1Ls99mWRzlZmbmKTlKPAnBkxsKovSxKCpstyo&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

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