
Friday, January 1, 2021

Ritterkreuz Action of Adolf Wolf


Adolf Wolf (23 May 1899 – 11 March 1973) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 20 June 1940 as Oberstleutnant and Kommandeur I.Abteilung / Flak-Regiment 64 (motorisiert). The following press release concerns the action that led to the reception of the Ritterkreuz by Oberstleutnant Wolf: "Oberstleutnant Wolf has with his battalion of Flak troops accompanied the armored troops into the forward battle areas and provided excellent protection for their continued advance across the Somme. His battalion has in the first part of the western campaign shot down a large number of enemy aircraft. It has also participated in the defense against the Anglo-French attack on Abbeville and resisted against heavy ground and air assaults. The battalion's glorious exploits and the contributions of its Commander, who through prudent leadership and personal bravery managed to get the most out of his batteries even in dangerous situations, played a large role in the successful conclusion of this battle." During the defense of the Abbeville bridgehead (as described in the press), 56 allied tanks were destroyed. Wolf's Flak guns played a critical role in knocking out the larger allied tanks such as the Char B1 bis that the majority of German AT guns were powerless against.

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