
Sunday, January 3, 2021

Oberst Rudolf Sieckenius in his Command Tank


Oberst Rudolf Sieckenius (Kommandeur Panzer-Regiment 2 / 16.Panzer-Division). Oberst Sieckenius on his command tank "0", summer 1942. Oberst Sieckenius had been commanding his Panzer regiment of 16.Panzer-Division since May 1941 and had won Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes for his achievement on 17 September 1941. He would escape the Stalingrad tragedy and would be commanding reestablished 16.Panzer-Division next year as a Generalmajor. His command tank had been painted in dark gray but was camo'ed with one of Tropen brown colors in thick bands.

Source :
Akira Takiguchi photo collection

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