
Sunday, January 3, 2021

Hitler's Birthday Celebration in Vršac


Smiling officers of the SS-Division "Reich" posing with an Orthodox priest after the celebration of the Führer's 52nd birthday in Vršac, Yugoslavia (the priest did not participate in the German ceremony). The corpulent officer in the centre is SS-Hauptsturmführer Günther-Eberhardt Wisliceny (Chef 8.Kompanie / SS-Infanterie-Regiment 11), a future holder of the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub und Schwertern, the last commander of the SS Regiment "Deutschland" and younger brother of war criminal Dieter Wisliceny). The photograph was taken by Kriegsberichter George Galweit from Propaganda-Kompanie 691.

Source :
ECPAD Archives, courtesy of Blanluet Christophe

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