
Friday, January 8, 2021

Capitulation of Generals Kurt Freiherr von Liebenstein and Giovanni Messe


The General Officer Commanding the First Italian Army (Marshall Giovanni Messe, right) and the General Officer Commanding the 164th Light African Division (Generalmajor Kurt Freiherr von Liebenstein, left) surrender to General Freyberg at 10 Corps Headquarters at Enfidaville, Tunisia, 13 May 1943. Generalmajor Liebenstein is nephew of the wellknown General der Panzertruppe Leo Freiherr von Geyr-Schweppenburg. He just received the Ritterkreuz just 3 days before his capture! The British captors gave Liebenstein high praises, being an anti-Nazi, very humorous, well-liked by friend and foe, a talented painter, an aristocrat admiring admiring everything British.

Various shots of General Messe talking to several officers. They are at the open field, some trees in background. Several shots of General Messe addressing a group of officers. He shakes hands with them.

Source :
Photo courtesy of Graveland

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