
Saturday, December 5, 2020

Ritterkreuz Actions of Hermann Hohn


Dr.rer.pol. Hermann Hohn received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes #2375 on 28 November 1943 as Oberst and stellvertretender Führer 72. Infanterie-Division. Starting on 14 November 1943 Hohn and his battered Division were stationed as the primary defenders of the city of Cherkassy, a cornerstone of the Dnieper front, against a much superior enemy. On 15 November 1943, in response to the formation of the dangerous Soviet bridgehead around Swidowok, Hohn launched a flank attack that got as far as Swidowok itself by dangerously exposing the remainder of his front. The risk paid off however, and by doing so he prevented the penetration of strong Soviet forces into the flank and rear of the German lines. Later, on 22 November 1943, the Soviets launched a powerful combined arms assault with 7 regiments backed up with AFVs and artillery. It managed to create a broad gap in the German frontline and penetrate into the rear of the defense, while advancing eastwards. Coupled with the simultaneous massed assaults east of Cherkassy itself, there was a real danger the city would be encircled. In response Hohn made the independent decision to send a Kampfgruppe from the south into the flank and rear of the penetrating enemy, which busted open the encirclement ring southeast of Cherkassy. Hohn would subsequently play a major role in destroying the Soviet forces that were trapped by this maneuver. He would later be awarded the Ritterkreuz for his notable defensive achievements during this time.

Hohn received the Eichenlaub #410 for his Ritterkreuz on 1 March 1944 as Oberst and Führer 72. Infanterie-Division. The following newspaper article (dated 8 March 1944) describes why Hohn received the Eichenlaub: “During the fierce combat west of Cherkassy in February 1944 the 72. Infanterie-Division belonged to the Kampfgruppe of General der Artillerie Stemmermann. Oberst Hohn was the soul of the resistance of his Division on this occasion also. He repeatedly reorganized the defenses, built up new defensive fronts on his own initiative and prevented the enemy’s sought-after breakthrough through the encircled Kampfgruppe via furious countermoves of his own. He and his men formed the vanguard during the smashing of the Soviet encirclement ring. Despite the weeks of heavy fighting in the muddied-up terrain he was able to draw on his own outstanding bravery and tireless energy to inspire his Grenadiers to give their best and force the breakthrough of the enemy lines.”

Finally, Hohn received the Schwerter #109 for his Ritterkreuz on 31 October 1944 as Generalmajor and Kommandeur 72. Infanterie Division. The medal was awarded for the outstanding leadership of his Division during the fighting in summer 1944 in the Sandomierz-Opatow-Ostrowice area.

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