
Thursday, December 24, 2020

Herbert-Otto Gille Opened the Modlin Soldatenfriedhof

On 9 November 1944, SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS Herbert-Otto Gille (Kommandierender General IV. SS-Panzerkorps) dedicated the new Soldatenfriedhof (wartime cemetery) in Modlin, Poland. In addition to the ceremony itself, a reception was held shortly afterwards inside the Modlin Fortress. Here is a copy of the ceremony's program, which featured a speach by Gille, as well as various tunes played by the regimental band of SS Panzer Regiment 5 "Wiking." Besides Gille, in attendance were the commanders of the Totenkopf and Wiking Divisions, their staffs, and various local dignitaries from the German administration of occupied Poland.

SS-Obergruppenführer und General der Waffen-SS Herbert-Otto Gille (Kommandierender General IV. SS-Panzerkorps) views the newly-dedicated ceremony. to the immediate right of Gille stands SS-Standartenführer Karl Ullrich, the commander of the Wiking Division.

After the ceremony's conclusion in the chapel of the Modlin Fortress, commanders and staff officers file out of the front door to their waiting staff cars. From left to right: SS-Obersturmbannführer Manfred Schönfelder (with his back to the camera, Chef des Generalstabes IV. SS-Panzerkorps), Major Otto Kleine (Ia Operations Officer 5. SS-Panzer-Division "Wiking"), SS-Sturmbannführer Herbert Jankuhn (Ic Intelligence Officer IV. SS-Panzerkorps), SS-Brigadeführer und Generalmajor der Waffen-SS Helmuth Becker (Kommandeur 3. SS-Panzer-Division "Totenkopf"), and SS-Untersturmführer Günther Lange (in black panzer uniform, O5 aide-de-camp Kommandierender General IV. SS-Panzerkorps).

At some point during the events of that day, Gille greets the commanders of the Wiking and Totenkopf Divisions, Karl Ullrich (left) and Helmuth Becker, right. In the background stands SS-Obersturmführer Johann "Hans" Velde, the O1 or assistant corps operations officer of the IV. SS-Panzerkorps.

The diagram of the German War Cemetery in Modlin, 1944.

Source :
"From the Realm of a Dying Sun. Volume I: IV. SS-Panzerkorps and the Battles for Warsaw, July–November 1944" by Douglas E. Nash, Sr.

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