
Sunday, December 6, 2020

Erwin Rommel Visiting Zentral Ersatzteillager 220

These photos comes from the private collection of Denis Daum, and shows the visit of Generaloberst Erwin Rommel (Oberbefehlshaber Panzerarmee "Africa") to the Zentral Ersatzteillager 220 headquarters in Benghazi, Libya, which took place on May 19, 1942. Officer with the bright hemd and shorts that accompanied him is Major Peter Deiglmayer, who was the commander of the central warehouse supplying the Afrikakorps vehicle parts. Coming with Rommel on his visit was his loyal Chief of Staff, Generalmajor Alfred Gause, who could be recognized from the Ritterkreuz medal on his neck.


Other pictures of Zentral Ersatzteillager 220 and Major Peter Deiglmayer in North Africa:

 Proxy wedding of one of the member of Zentral Ersatzteillager 220 in North Africa

Denis Daum photo collection

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