
Thursday, November 12, 2020

Ritterkreuz Action of Ludwig Stautner


Ludwig Stautner (4 May 1895 - 5 January 1983) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 20 June 1940 as a Major and Kommandeur I.Bataillon / Gebirgsjäger-Regiment 139 / 3.Gebirgs-Division. The following press article summarizes the action near Narvik in the spring of 1940 that led to the awarding of the Ritterkreuz for Stautner:

"Major Stautner has following detailed personal reconnaissance conducted the successful attack of Kompanie Schönbeck. The resulting repulse of enemy forces in this area was of great importance to the whole Kampfgruppe. The resumption of the enemy attack was delayed for days, buying Major Stautner's battalion valuable time to set up a strong defense. Ultimately the enemy did not dare to try and make any more major attacks west of Elvenes, where enemy landings were always to be expected."

In this battle Stautner and his battalion were initially thrown back by a Norwegian battalion on 24 April 1940, being driven east of the town of Elvenes. The Norwegian battalion commander decided to let his men rest for the night, and then resume the attack at 05:30 the next day. However Stautner would give them no rest. Attacking from the southern heights on 04:30 the next morning, they were able to successfully assault the Norwegians still quartered in the houses below and wipe them out by 11:00. 144 prisoners were taken in this battle.

For his success here, and the resulting ramifications of it, Stautner received the Ritterkreuz.

Source :

Martijn Houtermans photo collection

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