
Saturday, October 31, 2020

Ritterkreuz Action of Rolf Truxa


Rolf Truxa (6 June 1921 - 3 February 1983) in a pictures taken by Kriegsberichter Gerhard Ulrich. He received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 17 December 1943 as Oberleutnant and Führer 2.Batterie / Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 190. During the German attempt to recapture the city of Newel, Oberleutnant Truxa and his Sturmgeschütze had the mission of supporting the infantry of the 252. Infanterie-Division. After overcoming the Soviet minefields the German infantry became pinned down in their efforts to take the high ground at Sui Shmotki. At this point Truxa and his Sturmgeschütze were able to rally the attackers and then proceeded to capture the heights in a sharp, aggressive attack. This enabled the German attack to proceed once again and by evening the Soviets had been pushed back 6 km. Despite the overall failure of the German assault, Truxa was nonetheless decorated for the Ritterkreuz for his achievements in the attack.


ECPAD Archives, courtesy of Blanluet Christophe[0]=AZX7I7-IjQNNjCcdtznmQJvb331bM9U5ZNYxGAxXAUJkxnY3Z_PquVMB7iX5onxn9Oqz-M7z9x4TsqYvwZxL_r155-LbXwnqqOWp9b5056HcK3ah20BNo_jLT43jVxTAn1dLFta5Flb6aZZI9Em8qhwRXMBzsYh_xmGyw2EuyVNExw&__tn__=%2CO%2CP-R

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