
Sunday, September 13, 2020

Ritterkreuz Actions of Alexander Conrady

Alexander Conrady (16 July 1903 – 21 December 1983) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes #1269 on 17 October 1942 as Oberstleutnant and Kommandeur I.Bataillon / Infanterie-Regiment 118 (motorisiert) / 36.Infanterie-Division (motorisiert). Conrady’s Ritterkreuz  recommendation reads as follows:

“Oberstleutnant Conrady, commander of the I./Inf.Rgt. 118, repeatedly distinguished himself throughout the Eastern campaign because of his personal devotion to duty and energetic leadership of his troops. The result was that he was awarded the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold on the 24 December 1941.

During the heavy defensive battles east of Rzhev Conrady led the Inf.Rgt. 118 in the absence of the regimental commander, who was on leave. Over the course of this fighting Conrady achieved a decisive success while leading the Regiment during the time period 11-21 August 1942 through his own brave decision-making.

On the 11 August 1942 the Regiment occupied a line with the following units:

Regimental command post

On this day the enemy attacked along the Wetrowo-Nossowyje road in the direction of Karmanowo, and they achieved successes in the sector of the right neighbour. In response Oberstleutnant Conrady received the mission of moving out with his Regiment and the subordinated II./698 as soon as darkness fell. He and his men were to go to the southern bank of the Jausa river and occupy the new frontline, which was located along the line Pudischi-Star Trupnja and the area to the west of it.

That evening the II./698 attempted to change riverbanks near Now Kurdjuki and form a bridgehead, however by this time such strong enemy forces had entered Star Kurdjuki that it was not possible for the II./698 to carry out its mission. Acting swiftly, Conrady now marched with his Regiment through trackless terrain to Star Trupnja and there captured the southern bank of the Jausa just in front of the enemy. But by this time the enemy had entered into the forest between Pudischi and Star Trupnja. As such the enemy was located right where Conrady wished to occupy his defensive position! Despite the darkness and the thick forest, Conrady immediately commenced an attack and brought his Bataillone into the ordered position despite all the difficulties. The enemy forces that had established themselves in the forest and were now behind the frontline were eliminated on the next day.

The brave decisiveness of Oberstleutnant Conrady and his military brilliance ensured that the Inf.Rgt. 118 was able to swiftly enter its assigned position on the night of the 11-12 August 1942 despite the enemy activity and the great terrain difficulties. This was an action of decisive importance as the enemy immediately continued their attacks out of the area Nossowyje-Kurdjuki in the direction of Karmanowo with strong forces.

The enemy gave the Regiment no time to consolidate itself in its position. They already attacked it with strong forces on the 12 August 1942. By the 21 August 1942 the enemy had launched more than 60 attacks against the position of the Inf.Rgt. 118. The enemy occasionally entered the positions; however these were immediately thrown back in close combat. Even after a few tanks broke through the position the Regiment nonetheless held its ground until these had been eliminated. Despite strong and coordinated artillery/mortar fire, which inflicted heavy losses on the Regiment, all enemy attacks failed. Over 1000 dead Russians were counted before the Regiment’s frontline. The Regiment had not given up an inch of ground.

As the leader of the Regiment, Oberstleutnant Conrady had a decisive share in this brilliant defensive success. He had chosen to set up his command post in the immediate vicinity of the frontline. As such he endured all the crises of this days-long struggle alongside his men and while enduring periods of torrential rain. His very proximate influence on the battlefield did much to motivate his officers and men to hold their position with great fanaticism.

The magnificent defensive success of the Inf.Rgt. 118 in the time period 12-21 August 1942 near Kurdjuki (northeast of Karmanowo) was of decisive importance for the continuation of the defensive battles of the entire Korps, and it wouldn’t have been possible without the efforts of Oberstleutnant Conrady. I therefore recommend him for the award of the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes.”

Conrady received the Eichenlaub #279 for his Ritterkreuz on 22 August 1943 as Oberst and Kommandeur Grenadier-Regiment 118 / 36.Infanterie-Division (motorisiert). Previously, on 14 July 1943, the enemy launched an assault with 180 tanks and strong infantry against Conrady’s Regiment (reinforced by Pioniere) while it was in its positions east of Orel. Oberst Conrady held onto his command despite being wounded, and thus remained to serve as an example of bravery to his men. The Regiment was overrun by Soviet armour several times, however on each occasion it did not allow its resistance to diminish. It continued to offer up impressive resistance on the following month as well. Conrady was thus awarded the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub for his successes during this time.

Source :
Adolfo Diaz photo collection

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