
Wednesday, August 12, 2020

StuG Ace Hugo Primozic in Color

Hugo Primozic (16 February 1914 – 18 March 1996) began his career in the Sturmartillerie at the end of June 1942 as a Zugführer (platoon leader) in the newly-formed Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 667. This battalion was deployed as part of Heeresgruppe Mitte, and like other assault gun units, was used primarily for supporting infantry attacks in important sectors as well as providing invaluable anti-tank support in defense. It was in this latter role that the Battalion would excel in, and it would need this skill, as it was soon moved to the German Rzhev salient.

This bulge in the front, which was the closest German frontline to Moscow, had been attacked continuously during the course of 1942 and consequently the assault guns of StuG Battalion 667 were badly needed. And it was here that Primozic would begin to make a name for himself, destroying many Russian tanks.

On 15 September 1942 the Russians launched a heavy tank and infantry assault in the area of the battalion. Hugo Primozic and two other assault guns drove forward to engage the attacking enemy. The battle was fierce, with Primozic and his two wingmen repositioning constantly to avoid being destroyed themselves. However the Russian attack was defeated, and Primozic’s StuG alone destroyed 24 tanks on that day. He was awarded the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 19 September 1942 for this action, as a Wachtmeister and Zugführer in II.Zug / 2.Batterie / Sturmgeschütz-Abteilung 667.

The Russian attacks would not stop here. Their greatest assault yet on the Rzhev salient began on 24 November, Operation Mars. Once again the German assault gun battalions were employed to break up the Russian armoured attacks. And Primozic once again played a key part in the defense, destroying seven tanks in a single day and raising his total to 60 tanks destroyed by the end of December. On 25 January 1943 he received the Eichenlaub to his Ritterkreuz in recognition of his achievements, as the first NCO in the Wehrmacht to be so decorated! And his entire crew was awarded the Deutsches Kreuz in Gold.

Following this he was promoted to Leutnant and, as was often the case among distinguished soldiers, was reassigned to a training unit where he spent the remainder of the war. In the course of his career he was credited with destroying 68 tanks, and all within a time span of just five months!

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