
Saturday, August 15, 2020

Ritterkreuz Award Ceremony of Konrad Zeller and Bernd Schäzle

Soldiers from Grenadier-Regiment 380 (part of 215. Infanterie-Division) were very happy when two of their comrades, Hauptmann d.R. Konrad Zeller (right) and Leutnant d.R. Bernd Schäzle, were awarded the Ritterkreuz on the same occasion, given by Generalleutnant Bruno Frankewitz (Kommandeur 215. Infanterie-Division). Zeller received the medal on 5 January 1944 as Hauptmann der Reserve and Kommandeur I.Bataillon / Grenadier-Regiment 380 (he would also received the Eichenlaub for his Ritterkreuz on 9 June 1944), while Schäzle received the medal on 3 January 1944 as Leutnant der Reserve and Zugführer in 11.Kompanie / III.Bataillon / Grenadier-Regiment 380.

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