
Sunday, August 9, 2020

Oberst Alexander von Pfuhlstein

Alexander von Pfuhlstein (17 December 1899 - 20 December 1976) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 17 August 1942 as Oberst and Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 154 / 58.Infanterie-Division. He ended the war as a Generalmajor. His character is intransparent. He was disliked by the officers of his regiment and also by the other generals. General der Infanterie Kurt Brennecke said in may 1944, that von Pfuhlstein had a difficult charakter. General der Artillerie Helmuth Weidling, at that time Kommandierender General XXXXVI. Panzerkorps, disqualified and dismissed him in july 1944. The Gestapo suspected him to be a mate of those officers who made the 20.july-plot (for he was from 31.1.1943 until 10.4.44 in OKW - Amt Ausland/Abwehr [commander of special unit "Brandenburg"]). In the Gestapo-jail he acused Admiral Canaris and Generalmajor Hans Oster: they where in 1945 hanged. Von Pfuhlstein was after some time in fort Küstrin a free man. In that city he tried to join the Waffen-SS, but they disliked him too!

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