
Saturday, July 4, 2020

Ritterkreuz Actions of Joachim von Siegroth

Joachim von Siegroth (25 December 1896 - 2 May 1945) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 18 October 1944 as Oberst and Kommandeur Kampfgruppe Fahnenjunkerschule VI der Infanterie Metz. The medal was awarded for his defensive success around Metz in August 1944. As the 7th US Armored Division approached Metz, Oberst Siegroth formed a Kampfgruppe consisting of 1800 soldiers from an assortment of formations but centred around a training group of officer cadets. These were formed into three battalions, and they took up positions on their old training grounds around St. Privat, Gravelotte and Manceschlucht. Fort Driant formed the southern cornerstone of the German defense. From these positions they were able to defeat the initial US attempts to capture Metz, putting up a solid fight. For their successes here, and his role in these by his leadership, Siegroth received the Ritterkreuz.

On 9 May 1945 Siegroth also received the Eichenlaub for his Ritterkreuz posthumously, as Kommandeur 712. Infanterie-Division. The medal was awarded for the excellent leadership of his division during the last battles of April 1945 in the area Küstrin-Lebus-Frankfurt/Oder. On 14 April 1945 all enemy attacks near the town of Lebus were repulsed and a small enemy break-in west of Elisenberg was eliminated, with 8 enemy tanks being destroyed.

The next day saw continued defensive battles at Elisenberg and on the road Lebus-Schönfließ. Schönfließ was lost to the enemy on 16 April but was recaptured in a counterattack directed by Siegroth, which saw involvement of the King Tigers of the 2./schwere SS-Panzer-Abteilung 502 and a battalion of the cadet regiment from the Panzer-Grenadier-Division "Kurmark". The old main battle line and embankment east of the city was also reached. On 17 April multiple new enemy tank-supported attacks were launched at Schönfließ, but to no avail. All local break-ins were restored via counterattacks and 25 enemy tanks were destroyed.

Recommendation was send through Oberbefehlshaber 9. Armee, General der Infanterie Busse on April 19th, 1945 and arrived at the OKH/PA/P5 on April 21st, 1945. Awarding according tot he Dönitz-Erlass. When counted this would have been the 878th Award.

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