
Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Ritterkreuz Action of Wilfried Richter

Wilfried Richter (9 May 1916 - 18 April 1981) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 21 April 1942 as SS-Obersturmführer and Führer Sturmgeschützbatterie SS-Totenkopf-Division. Richter’s Ritterkreuz recommendation reads as follows:

"SS-Obersturmführer Wilfred Richter was with his Kompanie, from the 15 March 1942, in the town of Kalitkino. From the start they had to endure constant enemy artillery, aircraft and tank fire.

On the 5 April 1942, in the early morning, they found themselves in combat with the Russians on the northern front of Gruppe Eicke, at the focus point of Kalitkino. 16 T-34s broke in against the defensive positions, themselves supported by an attack from the west and north-west of Kalitkino. Richter and his men only had two Pak guns in support. These destroyed 10 T-34s as well as infantry coming from the north of Kalitkino. Nevertheless the enemy took hold and cut them off. Richter gathered the last of his men and pushed against this enemy incursion, despite the intact enemy tanks and infantry fire. They successfully knocked out 5 T-34s using magnetic teller mines. Their courageous acts gave them success and they pushed into the enemy positions, capturing one enemy tank officer and another enemy soldier.

Throughout the rest of the day they expanded their positions. defended them and remained ready. SS-Obersturmführer Richter's dogged determination and heroism proved to be an example again and again to his weak group of men that were cut-off in this area. Holding out to the last, Kalitkino was held firmly within our control.

The holding of the village for use as a support point two kilometres ahead of the frontline was of decisive importance. The enemy was to the south and east. Moreover, this cornerstone is important as a jump-off point for any future attacks by us.

I recommend SS-Obersturmführer Wilfred Richter for the award of the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes in recognition of his heroism and courage and the successes connected to it."

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