
Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Panzer Ace Ernst Barkmann with Friends

This photo is belong to Gordon Williamson personal photo collection and it shows, from left to right: SS-Oberscharführer Ernst Barkmann (Panzerkommandant at 4.Kompanie / I.Abteilung / SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 / 2.SS-Panzer-Division "Das Reich"), SS-Hauptscharführer Egon Corth (Schirmmeister at 4.Kompanie / I.Abteilung / SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 / 2.SS-Panzer-Division "Das Reich"), mother of Barkmann, SS-Hauptsturmführer der Reserve Ortwin Pohl (Chef 4. Kompanie / I.Abteilung / SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 / 2.SS-Panzer-Division "Das Reich"), and SS-Oberscharführer Franz Frauscher (Zugführer at 4.Kompanie / I.Abteilung / SS-Panzer-Regiment 2 / 2.SS-Panzer-Division "Das Reich"). This photo was taken in September 1944 shortly after Barkmann received a home leave of in honor of his Ritterkreuz awarding. Barkmann's friends from the same company then visited him in his hometown (likely to attend the Ritterkreuzträger's wedding), and took the time to take pictures together.

Source :
Gordon Williamson photo collection

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