
Saturday, July 18, 2020

Bio of General der Infanterie Georg-Wilhelm Postel

Georg-Wilhelm Postel was born in Zittau on April 25th, 1896.

On August 30th, 1944 he became POW to the Soviets upon the capitulation of Rumania. After his imprisonment he stayed in the Prison Camps Nr. 160, 74, 48 and 149 and in the hospital of Prison Camp Nr. 5351. He war interred in Prison Nr. 1 at Kharkov in 1949, where he was convicted to 25 years forced labour on June 4th, 1949. Potel died of Tubeculoses in the hospital of Prison Camp at Schachty on September 20th, 1953. There he was buried at the camps cemetery in Row 3, Grave 14. As far as is known, his remains were not transferred to any German war cemetery.

Georg-Wilhelm Postel finally reached the rank of General der Infanterie as Kommandierende General XXX. Armeekorps.

1914: Fahnenjunker;
29th May 1915: Leutnant;
1919: Leutnant Reichswehr (RDA 1st September 1915;
July 1925: Oberleutnant (RDA 1 aprst April 1925);
1st November 1930: Hauptmann;
1st December 1935: Major (RDA 55);
1st January 1939: Oberstleutnant;
1st December 1941: Oberst (RDA 1st November 1940);
1st January 1943: Generalmajor;
1st September 1943: Generalleutnant;
?: General der Infanterie.

1914: 3. / (Pomm.) Infanterie-Regiment "Graf Schwerin" Nr. 14;
20th August 1914: 10. Königlich Sächsisches Infanterie-Regiment Nr. 134;
1920: Reichswehr-Infanterie-Regiment 24;
?: 10. (Sächs.) Infanterie-Regiment;
1924: 5. / 10. (Sächs.) Infanterie-Regiment, Bautzen;
1925: 8. (MG.) / 10. (Sächs.) Infanterie-Regiment, Bautzen;
1st October 1926: Führergehilfenausbildung / Stab 4. Division, Dresden;
1st October 1928: 8. (MG.) / 11. (Sächs.) Infanterie-Regiment, Leipzig;
1930: Chef 8. (MG.) / 11. (Sächs.) Infanterie-Regiment;
1st April 1936: Lehrer Kriegsschule München;
1939: Kommandeur II. / Infanterie-Regiment 109;
January 1940: Kommandeur II. / Infanterie-Regiment 433;
30th April 1940: Kommandeur I. / Infanterie-Regiment 364;
5 th July 1940: Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 364;
August 1942: Führerreserve;
1st January 1943 - 26th May 1943: Kommandeur 320. Infanterie-Division;
20th August 1943 - 10th July 1944: Kommandeur 320. Infanterie-Division;
16th July 1944 - 30th August 1944: Kommandeur XXX. Armeekorps.

Clasp to the Iron Cross (1939) 2nd Class (10 July 1941) & 1st Class (17 August 1941)
German Cross in Gold on 28 February 1942 as Oberst in 364th Infantry Regiment
Knight's Cross on 9 August 1942 as Oberst and commander of 364th Infantry Regiment
Oak Leaves on 28 March 1943 as Generalmajor and commander of the 320th Infantry Division
Swords on 26 March 1944 as Generalleutnant and commander of the 320th Infantry Division

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