
Wednesday, June 17, 2020

Ritterkreuz Action of Unteroffizier Arthur Becker-Neetz

Arthur Becker-Neetz (31 December 1920 - 12 October 2016) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 25 August 1941 as Unteroffizier and Gruppenführer in 7.Kompanie / II.Bataillon / Schützen-Regiment 394 / 3. Panzer-Division. The following wartime excerpt describes why Becker was awarded the Ritterkreuz:

“Unteroffizier Becker showed great prudence during the engagement near Lykowo on the 15 July 1941. By doing so he had a major share in the defense against strong enemy attacks along the southeastern front of Mogilev and in the prevention of his own Kompanie’s annihilation. After the Kompanie commander had fallen he went on to motivate his men through the combat against a much larger enemy force in the difficult forest terrain despite being wounded himself. His Bataillon was only able to absorb the strong enemy breakthrough attempt here on account his independent actions. During this time Becker’s Bataillon was serving as flank protection. In the fighting described in the text the Kompanie lost all of its officers in addition to the commander, and Becker thusly took over the Kompanie’s leadership on his own initiative. In the subsequent combat he pulled off a particularly successful counterthrust and later prevented the encirclement of his Kompanie and its attached units despite being badly wounded by a headshot."

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