
Sunday, May 17, 2020

Ritterkreuz Action of Wilhelm Behrens

Wilhelm Behrens (last rank Generalleutnant) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 27 March 1942 as Oberst and Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 106 / 15.Infanterie-Division. It was awarded for his defense of Iklinskoje during the time period 20-24 December 1941, as described in the following wartime excerpt: “Oberst Behrens and his ragtag of forces defended the city of Iklinsjoje (located west of the Nara river) against enemy breakthrough attempts during the crucial days immediately before and during the withdrawal movement of the Armee’s centre from the Nara Position. They fought with nerves of steel and managed to prevent a major crisis. At this time the Armee was already extremely threatened by an envelopment and breakthrough on its southern flank. If the enemy had also succeeded in breaking through at Iklinskoje then the entire withdrawal movement of the Armee’s centre would have been jeopardized. The prevention of an enemy breakthrough at Iklinskoje was therefore of significant operational importance.”

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