
Monday, May 25, 2020

Bio of General der Infanterie Erich Jaschke (1890-1961)

Johannes Karl Erich Jaschke

Date of Birth: 11.05.1890 - Danzig, Pommern (German Empire)
Date of Death: 14.10.1961 - Hamburg (West Germany)

01.09.1909 Fahnenjunker-Unteroffizier
22.03.1910 Fähnrich
16.11.1910 Leutnant
22.03.1916 Oberleutnant
01.10.1922 Hauptmann
01.04.1933 Major
01.10.1935 Oberstleutnant
01.03.1938 Oberst
17.12.1941 Generalmajor
01.01.1943 Generalleutnant
01.05.1943 General der Infanterie

Entered Army Service (12 Jun 1909)
Fahnenjunker in the 132nd Infantry-Regiment (12 Jun 1909-01 Oct 1913)
Transferred into the 9th Fortress-MG-Detachment (01 Oct 1913-31 Jul 1914)
Detached to Instruction-MG-Course in Wünsdorf (04 Oct 1913-01 Nov 1913)
In the Field with the 132nd Infantry-Regiment (31 Jul 1914-14 May 1916)
Wounded - remained with the Troop (14 Aug 1914)
Detached to the MG-Training-Command on the Troop-Exercise-Grounds Heuberg (01 Apr 1916-13 May 1916)
Leader of MG-Fire-Troop 157 (14 May 1916-25 Sep 1916)
MG-Officer with the Staff of the 29th Replacement-Infantry-Regiment (25 Sep 1916-12 Dec 1917)
Regiments-Adjutant of the 29th Replacement-Infantry-Regiment (12 Dec 1917-30 Sep 1918)
Transferred into the 111th Infantry-Regiment & Detached to the Staff of the 52n Infantry-Division (30 Sep 1918-04 Oct 1918)
Wounded, in Hospital (04 Oct 1918-02 Jun 1919)
Transferred to Reichswehr-Group-Command 1 (02 Jun 1919-30 Jul 1919)
Transferred into the 29th Reichswehr-Infantry-Regiment & Detached to Military-District-Command III (30 Jul 1919-15 May 1920)
Platoon-Leader in 5th Company of the 29th Reichswehr-Infantry-Regiment (15 May 1920-01 Jan 1921)
Platoon-Leader in the 8th Infantry-Regiment (01 Jan 1921-29 Apr 1924)
Detached to Course in Transport & Riding with the 6th Transport-Battalion (02 Feb 1922-30 Mar 1922)
Chief of 12th Company of the 8th Infantry-Regiment (29 Apr 1924-01 Sep 1929)
Detached to Combat-School-Course in Döberitz (02 Nov 1925-28 Nov 1925)
Detached to Command-Office Berlin & MG-Instructor with the Training-Staff of Infantry in Döberitz (01 Sep 1929-01 Oct 1929)
Transferred to the Staff of II. Battalion of the 8th Infantry-Regiment (01 Oct 1929-01 Apr 1930)
Transferred to the 12th (MG) Company of the 8th Infantry-Regiment (01 Apr 1930-01 Jun 1933)
MG-Advisor with the Inspection of Infantry, RWM (In 2) (01 Jun 1933-01 Sep 1934)
Chief of Staff of the Inspection of Infantry, RWM (01 Sep 1934-21 May 1935)
Chief of Staff of the Inspection of Infantry, RKM (21 May 1935-04 Feb 1938)
Chief of Staff of the Inspection of Infantry, OKH (04 Feb 1938-10 Oct 1939)
Chief of Staff of the General of Infantry with OKH (10 Oct 1939-15 Mar 1941)
Commander of the 90th Infantry-Regiment (15 Mar 1941-13 Jan 1942)
Delegated with the 20th Motorised-Infantry-Division (13 Jan 1942-22 Jan 1942)
Commander of the 20th Motorised-Infantry-Division (22 Jan 1942-20 Jan 1943)
Führer-Reserve OKH (20 Jan 1943-01 Mar 1943)
Delegated with the Leadership of LXXXII. Army-Corps (01 Mar 1943-10 Mar 1943)
Delegated with the Leadership of LV. Army-Corps (10 Mar 1943-00 May 1943)
Commanding General of IV. Army-Corps (00 May 1943-12 Oct 1943)
General of Infantry in OKH (In 2) (12 Oct 1943-09 May 1945)
In US Captivity (09 May 1945-30 Jun 1947)
Released (30 Jun 1947)

Awards and Decorations:
05.11.1914 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
05.04.1915 1914 Eisernes Kreuz I.Klasse
00.07.1918 Ritterkreuz des königlichen Hausordens von Hohenzollern mit Schwertern
00.00.19__ Ritterkreuz II.Klasse des Grossherzoglich Badischen Ordens vom Zähringer Löwen mit Schwertern
00.00.193_ Ehrenkreuz für Frontkämpfer 1914-1918
00.00.19__ Wehrmacht-Dienstauszeichnung IV. bis I.Klasse
31.05.1940 1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
08.07.1941 1939 Spange zum 1914 Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse
04.12.1941 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes #708, as Oberst and Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 90 (motorisiert) / 20.Infanterie-Division (motorisiert). Awarded for distinguishing himself during the advance towards Tikhvin via Grusino.
00.00.1942 Medaille "Winterschlacht im Osten 1941/1942" (Ostmedaille)
07.09.1943 Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes mit Eichenlaub #295, as General der Infanterie and Kommandierender General LV. Armeekorps. Awarded for further proving himself as a commander during critical situations in the area of the 9. Armee, especially during the fighting for Orel in mid-1943.


Erich Jaschke (11 May 1890 - 14 October 1961) joined the Imperial Army on September 12, 1909. He came to the 1st Lower Alsatian Infantry Regiment No. 132. In this he was promoted to lieutenant on November 16, 1910. In the summer of 1914 he belonged to the Fortress Machine Gun Department 9. He took part in the First World War as a first lieutenant. For bravery he was awarded the Royal Prussian House Order of Hohenzollern. After the end of the war he was taken over by the army. He was deployed in the transitional army in the Reichswehr Infantry Regiment 29. When the 100,000-man army of the Reichswehr was formed, he then joined the 8th (Prussian) Infantry Regiment as a company officer. On October 1, 1922, he was promoted to captain. In spring 1924 he was appointed chief of the 12th (MG) company of the 8th (Prussian) infantry regiment in Görlitz. He then held this command for almost 7 years. In 1931 he was appointed head of the 13th (mine thrower) company from the 8th (Prussian) Infantry Regiment in Frankfurt an der Oder. On June 1, 1933, he became a major MG officer at the infantry inspector in the Reichswehr Ministry. After being promoted to colonel on March 1, 1938, he was chief of staff of the inspector of the infantry at the OKH at the beginning of the war. On March 1, 1941, he was appointed commander of the 90th Infantry Regiment. He then led this from June 1941 when attacking Russia in the Eastern campaign. On October 1, 1941 he was promoted to major general. At the same time he took over the leadership of the 20th Infantry Division. On December 4, 1941, he was awarded the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross for his leadership as commander of Infantry Regiment 90 in the attack on Leningrad. On January 12, 1942, he was promoted to commander of the 20th Infantry Division and on January 1, 1943 to Lieutenant General. From March 1, 1943, he led the course. Army Corps. On May 1, 1943, he was appointed general of the infantry. As such, he now became the commanding general of the LV. Army Corps appointed. In the summer of 1943 he led the corps at the "Zitadelle" company and in the subsequent defensive battles. For his leadership achievements, he was awarded the oak leaves for the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross on September 7, 1943. On October 12, 1943 he was transferred to the High Command of the Army (OKH) and there general of the infantry during inspection 2. At the end of the war he was taken into American captivity, from which he was released on June 30, 1947.


Erich Jaschke as an officer in the Reichswehr.

Generalmajor Erich Jaschke.

General der Infanterie Erich Jaschke.

General der Infanterie Erich Jaschke in Tita Binz postcard.

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