
Friday, May 8, 2020

Bio of Generalleutnant Willibald Borowietz

Generalleutnant Willibald Borowietz (17 September 1893 – 1 July 1945) was a German general during World War II who commanded several divisions. He was a recipient of the Knight's Cross of the Iron Cross with Oak Leaves of Nazi Germany. Borowietz surrendered to Allied forces together with the Afrika Korps. He was held as a POW by the United States in Camp Clinton, Mississippi, where he committed suicide by electrocuting himself in a bathtub on 1 July 1945. Officially his death was attributed to a cerebral hemorrhage. His wife, Eva Ledien, was of Jewish descent. She committed suicide in October 1938 so that their children could be Aryanized. Eva's sister, Käthe (Ledien) Bosse, was killed in Ravensbrück concentration camp on 16 December 1944.

Willibald Borowietz received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes #371 on 24 July 1941 as Oberstleutnant and Kommandeur Schützen-Regiment 10 / 9.Panzer-Division / XIV.Armee-Korps / Panzergruppe 1 / Heeresgruppe Süd. The following wartime excerpt describes why Borowietz was awarded the Ritterkreuz: “After overrunning several enemy resistance lines, Oberstleutnant Borowietz led his Vorausabteilung in a thrust forwards toward Zbaraz via Plurow—Zalosce (northwest of Tarnopol). He was able to achieve a swift forward march through a bold pursuit action in the evening and night. In the process his Vorausabteilung captured or destroyed 92 enemy tanks, 16 artillery pieces, 12 anti-aircraft guns and innumerable additional materiel. His prudent and exemplary leadership here resulted in the destruction of a Russian tank division.”

He then received the Eichenlaub #235 zum Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 10 May 1943 as Generalmajor and Kommandeur 15.Panzer-Division / Heeresgruppe Afrika. The following press article, dated 18.05.1943, describes why Borowietz was awarded the Eichenlaub: “During the last major combat in Tunisia, Generalmajor Borowietz served as the commander of a Panzer-Division west of Tunis. Here the enemy attacked the German lines with an overwhelming superiority that included strong support from artillery and air forces. The divisional commander defended against the enemy onslaught at the head of his soldiers in a heroic battle. Pulling back before the enemy’s might, he occupied new defensive positions before Tunis and inflicted heavy losses on the enemy from here. The enemy continued to assail the strongpoints with innumerable tanks, and once again the General and his few soldiers offered up brave resistance to the last man. By doing so they bought time for the destruction of all militarily important facilities in the city of Tunis and for the creation of new defensive positions.”

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