
Saturday, April 25, 2020

Generalleutnant Otto Drescher

Otto Drescher received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 6 April 1944 as a Generalleutnant and Kommandeur of 267. Infanterie-Division. The medal was awarded for the achievements of his Division during the time period 21.-29.02.1944. According to a Wehrmachtbericht excerpt from the 01.03.1944 he and his Division had held out during all this time against much larger attacking forces, and defeated all hostile breakthrough attempts despite the difficult terrain and weather conditions. The 4. Armee specially recognized the Division for its efforts during the time period 22.02.-02.03.1944, during which it withstood the main effort of the Soviet offensive and prevented an enemy breakthrough to Stary Bischoff and Mogilev. It is also known that Drescher saved the frontline from being torn open a total of three times during this period, all through his own independent actions. He particularly distinguished himself when the Soviets were pushing back a neighbouring Division. On this occasion Drescher removed one of his Grenadier-Regiments from the frontline and dispatched it along with some artillery in such a way that contact to the neighbouring Division was maintained. This action also secured an important road/railway junction. He also achieved a major tactical victory on the night of the 25./26.02.1944, when the Soviets tried to infiltrate through the line. They succeeded, however Drescher was able to eliminate this force with his last reserves (comprised of remnant and security units).

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