
Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Color Picture of Oberfeldwebel Martin Hrustak

Oberfeldwebel Martin Hrustak (born October 17, 1913 at Tschechen/Sudetenland), platoon leader in 7th Company/Grenadier-Regiment 162 of the 61st (East Prussian) Infanterie-Division. Knight's Cross awarded December 11, 1943, for distinguishing himself while commanding a Zug of infantry during the Third Battle of Lake Ladoga, near Mga. He and his men repeatedly gave a good account of themselves at the focal points of the fighting; Oakleaves awarded May 14, 1944. During the fighting on the Narva front in February 1944, Oberfeldwebel Hrustak was able to ensure that the Soviet bridgehead at Kriwasoo could be contained. Over the course of several counterthrusts and patrols, he succeeded in preventing the expansion of the bridgehead with the few soldiers available to him and thereby made a decisive contribution towards the holding of the Narva front. Martin Hrustak (nicknamed "Der Kleine" -the small one- since he was of comparatively small size) died on August 18, 1944 in a military hospital at Riga/Latvia of the wounds he received during a successful counter attack on a Soviet AT position the same day. The photo shows Hrustak on the day of the Oakleaves bestowal from Adolf Hitler.

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