
Saturday, February 2, 2019

Oberleutnant d.R. Gottfried Kupsch

Gottfried Kupsch (19 April 1919 - 16 June 1942) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes posthumously on 3 September 1942 as Oberleutnant der Reserve and Führer 1.Schwadron / Radfahr-Abteilung 72 / 72.Infanterie-Division / XXX.Armeekorps / 11.Armee / Heeresgruppe Süd (that is why you see the added Ritterkreuz in the photo above!). Other medals and decorations that he receives were as follow: Eisernes Kreuz II.Klasse und I.Klasse; and mentioned in Wehrmachtbericht (21 June 1942).

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