
Saturday, February 16, 2019

Generalmajor Karl Arndt and Heer Officer

Generalmajor Karl Arndt (left) chatting with another Heer officer. Arndt (10 March 1892 - 30 December 1981) received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 23 January 1942 as Oberst and Kommandeur Infanterie-Regiment 511 / 293.Infanterie-Division / XXXV.Armeekorps / 2.Armee / Heeresgruppe Mitte, and Eichenlaub #719 for his Ritterkreuz on 1 February 1945 as Generalleutnant and Kommandeur 359.Infanterie-Division / LIX.Armeekorps / 17.Armee / Heeresgruppe A. Born at Gross-Kauen in Silesia, Karl Arndt began his military career as a private in 1908. He fought in the 1914-18 war in Inf.Rgt. 46. In 1917, he was a deputy officer and rose to the rank of Leutnant in 1918. He was taken prisoner by the British in September 1918 and released in March of the following year. In September 1939, he commanded an infantry battalion, with the rank of Oberstleutnant. Promoted to Oberst on 20 October 1940, he took command of Inf.Rgt. 511. As commanding officer of 293. Inf.Div. (10 January 1943), he rose to the rank of Generalmajor on 10 March 1943, then Generalleutnant on 8 November 1943. He went on to command 359. Inf.Div. (20 November 1943) then, at the same time, LIX. A.K. (17 January 1945). He took over command of XXXIX. Pz.K. on 25 April 1945. He was taken prisoner by the Americans on 8 May 1945, and released on 5 July 1947. He died at Balve-Langenholthausen in 1981.

Source :
"Panzertruppen: Les Troupes Blindees Allemandes German Armored Troops 1935-1945" by Francois de Lannoy and Josef Charita

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