Friday, July 26, 2024

Ritterkreuz Award Ceremony for Martin Mitschke

Ritterkreuz award ceremony for Feldwebel Martin Mitschke (Zugführer in 2.Kompanie / I.Bataillon / Panzergrenadier-Regiment 200 / 90.Panzergrenadier-Division), which were held in Rimini, Italian Front, October 1944. Awarded the medal is Generalleutnant Ernst-Günther Baade (Kommandeur 90. Panzergrenadier-Division). Mitschke formally received the Ritterkreuz des Eisernen Kreuzes on 16 October 1941. The following letter of commendation (written on 10 October 1944 by Generalleutnant Baade) describes the action that would lead to Mitschke receiving the coveted medal: “On the night of 27-28 September 1944 Feldwebel Mitschke launched an attack with his Zug (platoon) on his own initiative against the enemy forces that had penetrated into Savignano. Although the enemy resisted here with heavy fire, they were eventually driven out. As a result of his bravery and decisiveness, this key position (of importance to the whole Division) was thereby held.”

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